Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Easter holidays

Ok boys and girls, it's Easter time, holidays time!

It's time to relax, spend time with your family, visit your uncles, grandparents and cousins, play sports and games, go to the park, go to the beach, go to the mountain, help your mum and dad at home, go to the cinema, read books, watch TV, draw, do the homework, study...

You can do lots of activities during these days. And remember... when you come back to school, you have to explain all you do to your English teachers and in English! :D 

Enjoy the holidays!

Here is a Easter present, a puzzle to complete. Quick "Play" symbol on the left.

Click to Mix and Solve


MAYCOL said...


pedro said...

iaefet elpuzle era mol chulu

ainara3rb said...

es mol divertit dificil y molt chulu!!!!

mireia said...

que chulo el puzle